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How To Join IAMI


We greatly appreciate your interest in supporting the evolution of Medical Intuition as a recognized and credible profession. As we grow, we will be able to provide information, education and networking for the public and ourselves.

A. Professional Membership---------$50.00 a year
Benefits include:

1. Listing on website as "Professional Medical Intuitive".
2. Link from the IAMI website to your own website.
3. Membership certificate
4. Right to vote for board members
5. Right to run for board position
6. Discount on annual conference fees.

B. Supporting Membership-----------$35.00 a year
Benefits include:

1. Listing on the website as "Supporting Member"
2. Link from the IAMI website to your own website.
3. Membership certificate.

Your membership can make a very real difference in creating a solid, unified association for medical intuitives. I encourage you to join soon. It is only through your membership that IAMI is able to grow and strengthen and the voice of IAMI will be heard and respected.

Membership dues can also be sent via check or money order to:

Charles Lightwalker
IAMI Treasurer
P.O.Box 30752
Spokane,WA 99223-3021

Please email your questions to Charles Lightwalker at charleslightwalker@yahoo.com






Created & Maintained by SoulHealer